Postcrossing grows – Number of postcards October and November 2021

Today a short detour into the realm of statistics.The short good news: Poscrossing grows and grows. 🙂 The Postcrossing portal has a wonderful overview of the postcards received (here the link: Postcards statistics).I took the last two months, October and November, and compared it to 2019, the pre-pandemic year (is more realistic).In October the number… Read more Postcrossing grows – Number of postcards October and November 2021

Postcrossing grew by 8.9% in postcards received in April compared to 2019

Postcrossing grew by 8.9% in postcards received in April compared to 2019. In April 2021, 453814 received postcards were registered at That is an increase of 37,081 postcards or a plus of 8.9% compared to 2019. (source: The year 2020 is difficult to compare due to the pandemic. Back in April 2020, the… Read more Postcrossing grew by 8.9% in postcards received in April compared to 2019

Lover valentine’s day postmark from the village of Lover in the UK

thumbnail image Lover postmark village UK

The village of Lover in England had a great idea. The name of the village gave people the idea to design postcards and, above all, a postmark for Valentine’s Day.Lover’s postmark became famous and featured by many media outlets such as the BBC.The village offers everyone the service to send a postcard with the famous… Read more Lover valentine’s day postmark from the village of Lover in the UK