On July 6th, I received a postcard from Hong Kong. This showed a building complex. Looks like something from a construction company. She wrote that she works in tourism and that COVID-19 stopped everything. There are 2 great postage stamps on the postcard. One shows typical local snacks. The second stamp is about Jeet Kune… Read more Postcard with Jeet Kune Do postage stamp from Hong Kong no. 126
Tag: Hong Kong
Received postcards from Hong Kong send by postcrossing.
Hong Kong christmas postcard no 29
The 29th postcard arrived on December 29, 2020. The postcard came from Hong Kong. It’s a Christmas postcard with a cheerful Christmas motif.The postcard came in an envelope. There was also a homemade paper tree and a small coin in it.I liked all of this very much, because you could tell that a lot of… Read more Hong Kong christmas postcard no 29